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کلمه مناسب: Marry and jack....to the meeting if their father let them

    Ng IN
  30 تیر 22:00

33 پرسش 36 پاسخ 43.2K امتیاز
دوره اول متوسطه نهم انگلیسی

گزینه صحیح را انتخاب کنید. 1-Marry and jack........to the meeting if their father let them. 1)had come 2)have come 3)will come 4) would come 2-i knew my brother can pass the driving test if he tried hard 1)knew 2)can 3)if 4)tried 3-The puzzle was much too confusing for the child to solve. If it.... 1)was easier, he would solve it 2)were easier, he would solve it 3)is easier, he will solve it 4)had been easier, he'd have solved it

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