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سوالات از متن: ...This is Nasser. He is a tourist from Iraq

    Ng IN
  3 تیر 8:07

33 پرسش 36 پاسخ 43.2K امتیاز
دوره اول متوسطه نهم انگلیسی

با توجه به متن زیر به سوالات پاسخ دهید. This is Nasser. He is a tourist from Iraq. Nasser and his family are visiting Mashhad. He’s going into a gift shop with his wife and son. Now, Nasser is talking to the shopkeeper, but Nasser’s wife is looking at the things in the store. She is searching to find a suitable gift for her parents. Nasser’s son is taking some photos of the things in the store. He’s good at taking photos. They want to visit other religious cities such as Qom and Shiraz. 37- .From home, Nasser and his family wanted to visit . . . in Iran 1) only Mashhad 2) two cities 3) three cities 4) only Qom 38- ...Nasser’s wife wants to buy a gift for her 1) husband 2) son 3) daughter 4) father and mother 39- ...In the last line “other” refers to the 1) cities 2) gifts 3) photos 4) things 40- ?Which sentence is WRONG according to the passage 1) Nasser’s wife is buying gifts. 2) There are three people in Nasser’s family. 3) His wife’s parents are visiting Mashhad. 4) Nasser’s son is good at taking photographs

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